For decades, diseases like Cancer, Diabetes and cardiovascular disease have claimed most of the adult lives lost in St Lucia. Despite our best efforts, non communicable diseases(NCDs) continue to negatively affect most St Lucians.
In our recently completed STEPS Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, the prevalence of NCD risk factors such as overweight, obesity and raised blood pressure, was concerning. Sixty-five, 65% of the representative sample of Saint Lucians aged 18-69 years, were classified as being overweight or obese, while 37.3%, without a prior diagnosis of hypertension, had raised blood pressure.
These chronic diseases lead to disability and death for those we love. We must work together to protect our people.
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs has sought to target the prevention and control of Non-Communicable Diseases and their risk factors through various programmes and interventions.
In 2019, St Lucia launched and implemented the HEARTS Technical package, a holistic, structured programme which targets the reduction of strokes and heart attacks through blood pressure control. In September 2022, the Ministry launched the Saint Lucia Moves Initiative, to increase physical activity and healthy eating in the population.
This year, we have partnered with Taiwan to improve the prevention and control of diseases like Diabetes. Just recently the Ministry launched the Performance Based Financing Programme which will make medicine and laboratory services free for persons with hypertension and Diabetes in selected wellness centres.
One of the latest initiatives is the introduction of Internal Medicine specialist clinics in our main health facilities on a weekly basis. We are pleased to announce that from Monday August 7 2023, the current services provided at the wellness centres will be strengthened. Persons who need to be seen by an Internal Medicine Specialist will now be able to do so. The Internal Medicine Specialist or Internist will see persons who suffer from chronic conditions such as uncontrolled Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Lung conditions, Liver Disease and Heart failure. A schedule will be shared subsequently on the ministry of health Facebook page.
Having an Internal Medicine Specialist in our clinics will improve the effectiveness of our current programmes geared towards improving care and control of chronic conditions in Saint Lucia.
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs invites all St Lucians to take advantage of this service as we work together to improve the health of the nation.

Revising Saint Lucia’s Education Act Drafting & Consultation
Revising Saint Lucia Education Act Drafting & Consultation