Message from Ms. Martha Foster

In my capacity as Education Officer responsible for District Two, I wish to take this opportunity to welcome you to the District. The District’s office is located in Sans Souci, approximately five minutes away from the Ministry of Education. The District Office serves thirteen schools, eleven (11) of which are public and two (2) are private institutions.
Our motto, “Education for Empowerment” speaks to the fact that as Educators we seek to build individual and collective capacity in all stakeholders, as we forge ahead toward the accomplishment of our goals. My principals, teachers and ancillary staff are driven by excellence and at all times we strive for the holistic development of the child.
Noteworthy, is the importance which we in District Two, place on the learning environment of our students. We value and endorse the idea of instruction being student centred. As such, the learning styles and varying abilities of our students remain the main focus of the teaching and learning process. In so doing, we aim to meet their individual needs, at all levels.
Further to this, learning is supposed to be fun, interactive and challenging. Toward this end, networking is essential, as we believe in strong partnerships for the accomplishment of our goals.
Moreover, parental support is vital in a child’s educational journey. Therefore, every school in the District has a functioning Parent Teacher Association. Other partners such as the Student Support Services help to provide the necessary support to our students through the various programmes like School Feeding, School Guidance Counselling and Special Education.
This being said, we also expect that your experience with this website will be interactive and meaningful, as we seek to strengthen our relationship as a unified team.
Once again, I wish to welcome you to District Two and I look forward to our continued collaboration.
Martha C. Foster